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Practice 1     Practice 2     Practice 3

Practice 4     Practice 5     Practice 6

Sheets focusing on the Achieved and Merit for writing and solving Trig Equations. Numbers 3 and 6 focus on general solutions.
Extension Practice

A sheet on the use of Trig Identities in the context of problems.


There are a number of my videos on the videos page, showing the key methods.

Simultaneous Equations

Practice 1     Practice 2     Practice 3

Practice 4     Practice 5     Practice 6

Worksheets with a couple of exercises at each level.

This is quite a good explanation of the process for solving 3 x 3 equations by hand from http://www.slideshare.net


Linear Programming

This topic is done as part of the Statistics Course at St John's, although technically in the Calculus set of standards.

Practice 1     Practice 2

Practice 3     Practice 4

Worksheets, with an Achieved example first, followed by a Merit/Excellence example. The later ones are harder.