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Year 11


The key to doing well in this topic is knowing how to structure your answers. The skills themselves are quickly learned

There is also a small amount of Statistics required in the Numeracy assessment, mostly reading graphs.

Scope of the Topics

Notes on Multivariate Statistics

Notes on choosing multivariate data and analysing it using box-and-whisker plots.

This is from the old standard, so while the maths is the same some of the requirements around the assessment is different. In particular the "making the call" section does not need to be using DBM/OVS.

Notes on Bivariate Statistics

Notes on bivariate data and scatter plots.

Notes on Sources of Variation

This is an area that most students struggle with, but is a compulsory part of getting even Achieved.

1.1 Internal

Practice 1     Practice 2     Practice 3

Some worksheets similar to the 1.1 Internal Asessment, with full answers.

1.3 External

Part 1   Part 2

Some notes specifically how to answer questions for the 1.3 external.

Practice 1     Practice 2     Practice 3

Practice 4     Practice 5     Practice 6
Practice 7     Practice 8     Practice 9
Practice 10      Practice 11      Practice 12
Some practice sheets for the old Chance and Data exam. The skills are still basically what is in the new 1.3, although the format will be a bit different.