Scope of the Topic
In the new curriculum there is no separation of Algebra and Graphing from the other topics, whereas most of these materials date from before that change.
There are a number of videos on the
Video Page. They cover most of the topic, except for a few items at Excellence.
Core Skills
The "Basic" sheets are far too easy for Year 11, but are left in for practice at the start of the topic. Year 11 students should be able to do the "Harder" ones by the end.
Basic 1
Basic 2
Basic 3
Multiplying, dividing, adding and subtracting terms
Routine 1
Routine 2
Routine 3
More complex division, powers and brackets
Harder 1
Harder 2
Harder 3
Square roots and multiple brackets
Basic 1
Basic 2
Basic 3
Expanding one set of brackets
Routine 1
Routine 2
Routine 3
Expanding two brackets and quadratics
Harder 1
Harder 2
Harder 3
Expanding with complex terms and quadratics
Basic 1
Basic 2
Basic 3
One factor
Routine 1
Routine 2
Routine 3
Multiple factors and simple quadratics
Harder 1
Harder 2
Harder 3
Mixed types, including quadratics with negative roots
Basic 1
Basic 2
Basic 3
Multi-step linear problems
Routine 1
Routine 2
Routine 3
Inequations and quadratics
Harder 1
Harder 2
Harder 3
Fractions, harder quadratics etc
Writing (and Solving) Equations
Routine 1
Routine 2
Routine 3
Straight-forward, mostly linear, equations
Harder 1
Harder 2
Harder 3
Harder equations, including quadratics and simultaneous
All levels 1
All levels 2
All levels 3
Equations involving powers, from Achieved through to Excellence
Merit+ 1
Merit+ 2
Merit+ 3
Simplifying and solving with exponents.
Changing the Subject
Changing the Subject 1
Changing the Subject 2
Changing the Subject 3
These start easy and get progressively more difficult.
Mixed Skills Practice
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Algebra 3
Algebra 4
Algebra 5
Algebra 6
These are designed to take an hour each (to match the old MCAT exams) and are towards the harder end at each grade level.