Scope of the Topic
This page covers
tables, patterns and
graphs and their links to
There are a number of videos on the
Video Page for this topic.
Students need to be careful to always write points and equations using correct notation.
Do not leave the "y =" out of equations in particular.
The Head Marker noted in 2012 regarding this topic – and it hasn't changed since:
At all levels of achievement, there were frequent instances of candidates not using and not understanding terminology and conventions associated with the content of this standard.
[in particular]
• the coordinates of points are expressed as (x, y);
• equations have at least one term on either side of an "=" sign
• vocabulary: gradient, intercept, intersection, continuous, discrete, parallel, consecutive, horizontal,
vertical, straight, curve, translate.
Tables and Patterns
Patterns Notes
How to write rules (equations) for patterns of all types.
Patterns 1
Patterns 2
Patterns 2
Practice at Linear Patterns, with half each sheet at Achieved and half at Merit.
Patterns 4
Patterns 5
Patterns 6
Quadratic and exponential patterns, with half each sheet at Merit and Excellence level.
Patterns 7
Patterns 8
Patterns 9
Some practice pages on patterns and tables at Achieved, Merit and Excellence level. These have more explanation in the answers than the ones above.
Graphing Notes
How to draw graphs, write equations for graphs, and answer a few graphing problems in contexts.
Achieved 1
Achieved 2
Achieved 3
Merit+ 1
Merit+ 2
Merit+ 3
Practice pages concentrating on graphing and writing equations on grids.
Merit+ Parabolas 1
Merit+ Parabolas 2
Merit+ Parabolas 3
Practice specifically at finding the equations of parabolas where the first term is not a simple 1x². These are mostly Excellence level.
Context 1
Context 2
Context 3
Context 4
Context 5
Context 6
Practice at using the different graphing skills in contexts (which is how the questions will often be given). These are mostly quite hard questions.
Graph Paper
Practice grid paper
2 grids or
4 grids if you want to practice drawing lines or parabolas.