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Year 11


This page is for those working towards the Numeracy Assessment or 1.2 Use mathematical methods to explore problems that relate to life in Aotearoa New Zealand or the Pacific..

It divided into topics but the assessments won't give that information, so students also need to practice answering in the form of the assessment, which includes a lot of word questions.

There is also a small amount of Statistics required in the Numeracy assessment, mostly reading graphs, which is not included here.


Quick Reference Sheet and Worked Answers    

A one page revision of the basic skills and a two page sheet showing the type of working expected for each skill.

All Skills 1     All Skills 2     All Skills 3    

Ratios 1     Ratios 2     Ratios 3

Converting 1    Converting 2    Converting 3

Fifiteen mixed questions on one sheet, with answers on a second sheet.

The Year 10 page also has some suitable practice if more is needed.


Quick Reference Sheet    

This is a two page quick revision of the basics.

Full Notes on Measurement    

Most of the topic in detail.

Practice 1     Practice 2     Practice 3

Practice 4     Practice 5     Practice 6    

Simple exercises of the basics.

Surface Area and Volume 1     Surface Area and Volume 2

Exercises on surface area and volume, getting increasingly difficult.

Context 1     Context 2     Context 3    

Practice at answering questions in context formats.


Right Angle Triangles

Trigonometry Notes    Quick Reference Sheet    

Full notes and a two page revision of the basics.

There are notes and exercises available on the video page, if you prefer.

Achieved 1     Achieved 2     Achieved 3    

Extension 1     Extension 2     Extension 3

Merit+ 1     Merit+ 2     Merit+ 3

Some practice pages for Trigonometry (only the first three for Numeracy).

The Extension pages are relatively straight forward in terms of the trigonometry, but include simple bearings and most require the ability to draw the right angle triangles of the situation. (Normally you will be given a drawing of the situation, but it helps to practice without one as well.)

Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra Notes    

This is a four page revision of the basics, with a bit of Merit stuff thrown in. The Numeracy Assessment does not include very much of this, but 1.2 might.

Trial 1     Trial 2     Trial 3    

Exercises in contexts.


Real life examples

Some examples of how symmetry has been used in real life (all these are oil companies).

Reflection 1     Rotation 1     Translation 1    

Reflection 2     Rotation 2     Translation 2

Enlargement 1     Enlargement 2     Symmetry 1

Revison of all Transformations

Worksheets on the various parts of the topic, with answers on a second sheet.


Geometry Cards    

The basic rules and terminology required for Year 11 geometry, in a format for making into paper flash cards. Note that Circle Geometry is no longer required.

Achieved 1     Achieved 2     Achieved 3    

Some simple revision exercises.