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The material on this page was originally designed for the old set of standards. The changes were not large, but there are small differences that students should take into account if using these pages.

Probability Distributions

Practice 1     Practice 2     Practice 3

Each is one page of questions, plus one of worked answers. They are effectively practice exams. You should try to complete them in 30-40 minutes each. They do not include rectangular or triangular distributions, which were added in the new standard.


Practice 1     Practice 2     Practice 3

Practice 4     Practice 5     Practice 6

Each is one page of questions, plus one of worked answers. Each represents the Achieved and lower Merit of an exam. You should try to complete them in 30 minutes.

Harder 1     Harder 2     Harder 3

Each is one page of questions, plus two of worked answers. Each represents the harder questions of an exam. Ignore the combinatorics questions (although the non-theory ones can usually be done by trees or other similar methods) unless you are doing Scholarship.